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Frequently Asked Questions

A few years back, I wrote a monthly column for a local paper.  From time to time, I will post some of the questions I received.

Q:  What precautions do I need to take when I travel with my dog?


A:  The following information applies to both puppies and older dogs.


When you decide to travel with your dog by car, some simple preparation can make the trip more enjoyable.


It is important for you to determine if your dog gets car sick.  The time to do this is well before you leave on your trip.  Your veterinarian can give your dog something to improve motion sickness.


Sometimes, motion sickness for a dog can be remedied by keeping your dog in a crate while traveling. Restricting your dog’s visibility out the window can help.

Additionally, restricting your dog’s access to move around the car is an important safety factor.  If a crate is not practical for your car, then a dog harness will suffice.


When traveling with a puppy, frequent potty breaks will be necessary.  If you are also traveling with children, advise them not to get the puppy too excited.  Excitement can increase the necessity for a puppy to potty.


Whenever I travel with my dogs, I always bring some towels, water bottles and some paper toweling.  Accidents can happen.  You may also want to consider getting a dog first aid kit.  They are not that expensive.


When you stop for potty breaks etc, NEVER, let your dog off leash.  Walking your dog on leash will provide sufficient exercise for both you and your dog. 


If your dog is crate trained, and it should be, the use of a soft-sided crate can be a great convenience.  They are foldable, lightweight, and easy to carry.  Additionally, they can be used wherever you are going.


Do not forget to have the phone number of your veterinarian.  Hopefully you will not need it.  


Hopefully these suggestions will help you have a more pleasant travel experience with your dog or puppy.

Jeff Green  /  847-721-0234

Training Tid-Bits


Please  think about the following concepts when caring for and training your canine family member.


1.  Crate train your dog.

2.  Socialize your dog.

3.  Research the breed(s) you are considering.

4.  Teach your dog to potty on command.

5.  Find a veterinarian you trust.

6.  Reward (reinforce) good behavior.

7. Be Consistent.

8.Do not tolerate unacceptable behavior.

9. DO NOT give your puppy the run of the house.

10.  When a dog puts their  teeth on your skin,  it is never acceptable behavior.

11. When your dog does something that pleases you,  make every effort to convey your approval.

12.   Most dog training should be fun for you and your dog.

13. Keep your expectations realistic.

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